ITALY: A New Collective Landscape**[MOUSSE Publishing]

ITALY: A New Collective Landscape**[MOUSSE Publishing]

The problems facing us during this particular global moment, together with continuous ecological and social transformations, constitute the starting point of the works created by the young Italian designers presented in Italy: A New Collective Landscape. The catalogue is published on the occasion of the homonymous exhibition produced by ADI Museum Design Museum and curated by Angela Rui with Elisabetta Donati de Conti and Matilde Losi, with graphic design by Alice Zani and Paola Bombelli and set-up by the Parasite 2.0 studio.
The standard bearers of the ADI Design Museum exhibition are the under thirthy-five young designers, whose works were selected through an open call in which more than three hundred took part. The decision to give space to designers of this generation is in line with the need to provide their work with development opportunities, highlight their quality to the business world and present an overall vision of the multifaceted practices of contemporary designers. These practices arise from a general condition of mutual vulnerability between man and the environment.  As such, Italy: A New Collective Landscape is intended to be an exhibition-program that focuses on the projects, products and new practices of designers, who are committed to meeting the challenges posed by the current emergency situation, starting with the climate crisis and the repercussions that this has on reality itself.

Edited by Angela Rui with Elisabetta Donati de Conti and Matilde Losi
Essays by Emanuele Coccia, Elisabetta Donati de Conti, Michael Kaethler, Beatrice Leanza, Matilde Losi, Maurizio Montalti, Eugenia Morpurgo, Veronica Pecile, Marco Petroni, Cristiano Seganfreddo.
Contributions by Marika Aakesson, Pietro Airoldi, Massimo Barbierato, Vincenzo Castellana, Barbara Brondi & Marco Rainò, Domitilla Dardi, Formafantasma, Sara Fortunati, Lucy Giuliano, Andrea Maragno, Emanuele Quinz, Francesco Zurlo.

MOUSSE Publishing
284 pages
Softcover, 23.8 x 33 cm
ISBN 9788867495962
€ 35 / $ 40